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Player Profile - Mark Bailey's XI

Player Profile - Mark Bailey's XI

Paul Berry3 May 2014 - 00:00
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This week we spoke to former club captain, Mark Bailey.

1. What are your nicknames at the club?

Rat, Ratticus, Pigeon, Partridge (as in Alan), Captain Nasty though for obvious reasons this no longer applies.

2. When did you join Chads and why?

I joined in 2003. I had just moved to the area so asked at work about cricket clubs and someone there was friends with Chad legend Mick Sowden and put me in touch with him.

3. Which other clubs have you played for?

Does this include representative teams ha ha? Selby, Bedale, Stokesley and Anfield Plain.

4. What is your most memorable Chads match or moment?

Most memorable match was the Fred Fleetwood semi final against Spofforth in 2008. There was a big crowd down at the Chad as we took out the League Champions elect with a brilliant team performance.

5. Who are your all-time top three Chads players?

This is so tough as Chad legend status is not purely down to talent. Repeated performance has to come into the equation Khawar Yasin, Taff, Dick Franks.

6. What are your top three self-promotion facts?

I can only have 3?!? Played against test bowlers Onions, Swann and Richard Dawson and they never got me out. I used to play in the Super Duper league. Do you remember the Fleetwood cup final when I got 98 not out and won us the game?

7. What tune would you most like to go out to bat to?

Rat in My Kitchen by UB40

8. Which sportsperson do you compare yourself to and why?

It used to be Mike Atherton due to my slow steady back foot batting but a few years at the Chad put an end to that. So it would have to be Steven Gerrard as my best years might be behind me but in the right circumstances I still have something to offer.

9. What do you love the most about Chads?

The people and its welcoming atmosphere. I have made some great friends at the club over the years.

10. What is your favourite part of the Chads ground and why?

Its proximity to Woodies and when I first started the Three Horse Shoes.

11. What one thing would you change about the club?

A good clubhouse with a decent bar. I'm sure this would encourage WAGS to attend more games and make the place more of a family friendly club.

Further reading