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Player Profile - Clive Hird's XI

Player Profile - Clive Hird's XI

Paul Berry7 Jun 2014 - 00:00
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This week we spoke to former player Clive Hird who is considering a comeback at Chads.

1. What are your nicknames at the club?

Hirdy, Dr Snoz amongst others.

2. When did you join Chads and why?

In 1987. I moved to Headingley and my new neighbour took me down to the club as he played for the under 18's at the time.

3. Which other clubs have you played for?

Recently I have played in the North West for Widnes CC on a weekend and Birchfield CC midweek, but its just not the same!

4. What is your most memorable Chads match or moment?

Two spring to mind. Beating Spofforth in the Fred Fleetwood semi final at Chads in 2008. I recall Bails running in from the top boundary to cling onto a game changing catch and the Colosseum erupted. Also, for the older ones, was winning the Reserve Evening cup in 1994, being a youngster in a team with the likes of Toddy, Roy, Irvine, Stevie T, Alf Hull etc. Irvine had a chunk of his ear ripped off keeping to Alf. Spilling 'Claret' for the cause!

5. Who are your all-time top three Chads players?

Tough question, so many top batters and bowlers to choose from. However I am going for all-rounders (I am having 4); Andrew Bereza, Khaleel Rehman, Zai Ali and Mark Blundell.

6. What are your top three self-promotion facts?

I can't boast about having played against Graham Onions so it would have to be (firmly tongue in cheek); Physically strong, mentally even stronger and good at drinking.

7. What tune would you most like to go out to bat to?

Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison.

8. Which sportsperson do you compare yourself to and why?

Probably a hybrid of Joey Barton and Joey Deacon.

9. What do you love the most about Chads?

Location, ground and the people.

10. What is your favourite part of the Chads ground and why?

I like a hot day in front of the pavilion when it's like 'Death Valley' or strolling around stopping in one of the top corners watching a run chase under way making animal noises when a boundary gets hit.

11. What one thing would you change about the club?

Not much. I'd like to see more of some of the older members who have drifted off down at the club more often.

Further reading